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Week Fourteen

My Last Lecture If I were to sum up everything I learned in this semester’s course with only one word, that one word would be: “Love”. Perhaps that sounds corny and maybe strange, since this was about business and not a marriage and family course. Even still, love is the word. A successful life and business requires love for yourself, love for the work you are doing, love for your family and those that your business effects. One thing that is not a recommended love, is the love for money.   That kind of love can destroy you. Think about what you want to do, and who you want to become. Develop a love for that objective and nothing can stop you. This was an important learning for me because I always thought that starting my own business was going to be all about work and sacrifice. I thought that I was going to have to sacrifice time and happiness to accomplish a dream. The truth is that if we focus too hard on the end goal we might sacrifice too much. It is im

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